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Ivan Cesar Zanatta

Sustainability Manager at Jalles Machado


Environmental Contributions in favor of ESG

The term sustainability has been frequently mentioned in business meetings, in presentations of goals to be achieved, in world congresses. But what is our responsibility or contribution on this topic?

Considering a survey carried out by the Brazilian Federation of Banks, which shows that 87% of Brazilian consumers consider the commitment to social and environmental impact important, we begin to understand why the sustainability theme comes with full force to the corporate world, and, if we adhere to its objectives, we will have a great advantage in the market and a better contribution to the environment.

The subject of sustainable company encompasses, among others, the environmental issue, which goes beyond the theory of how to make the world better and passes into practice, with actions that contribute to the identification of negative socio-environmental impacts caused by operations, taking care to minimize them. or eliminate them.

According to the Brundtland Report, prepared by the World Commission on Environment and Development, “sustainable development can only be pursued if population size and growth are in harmony with the changing productive potential of the ecosystem; sustainable development is not a permanent state of harmony, but a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the orientation of investments, the directions of technological development and institutional change are in accordance with current and future needs”.

Also, in 2015, an action plan called Agenda 2030 was approved by the United Nations, with the objective of encouraging governments, civil society, the private sector and all citizens in the collective journey for actions to be developed regarding the planet, partnerships , to peace, to the people.

In this action plan, 17 Goals were presented, which break down into 169 goals, which should be achieved by 2030. All goals are interconnected and deal with issues related to environmental, social and governance issues. In Brazil, under the environmental agenda, a proposal presented by companies that raise their level of global contribution deals with the management of water resources and effluents.

Mastery in the management of water resources and effluents becomes a relevant factor for those companies that understand the importance of returning to the environment for the performance of their activities. Management includes a complete process, which ranges from the mapping and management of indicators related to the topic, management to fully comply with current legal requirements, defined goals for water consumption, both in the industrial and agricultural areas, in line with the values granted, to action plans aimed at reducing consumption and minimizing the impact of operations on this resource.

Monitoring the quality of water and its effluents aims to meet guidelines for monitoring activities carried out in the area of industrial influence and controlled landfill operation. Other actions to avoid silting up of water bodies in planting areas deal with soil management and conservation activities; thus, with the correct use of methodologies and techniques, erosion and releases of any type of effluents into springs, for example, are controlled.

Biological pest control can also be cited as an instrument that minimizes the impact on water, as it avoids contaminating the environment with pesticides, which could be carried into water courses. Another example of a contribution to the environmental agenda is the recovery of permanent preservation areas, avoiding the silting of water sources in rainy periods and maintaining the flow of water, even in periods of drought, this also contributes to the recovery of areas in degradation.

These actions related to development and concern for the environment only add value to companies, as they strengthen ties with stakeholders. based on the trust and purpose generated in the delivery of the product. This relationship is critical to long-term success and building a positive reputation. In fact, the environment is a fundamental right.