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Valmir Barbosa

Senior Consultant at Datagro Alta Performance


A vision for management excellence

Agronomy is applied ecology, as agriculture is the management of an ecosystem to produce a particular species. Mistakes and successes of a management depend directly on predictability and this depends on the stability of the system. Plan and prepare for planting because it will rain on the expected day. The drought for the harvest, the cold, the flight, the flowering, the wind time, the day of this plague, the day of that, all this must be on the agenda of the farmer who wants to get the management right.

The more predictable, the greater the success, and the greater the excellence. The more stable, the more predictable. The more diversified, the more stable. To do agriculture is to manage the environment in favor of the species that one wants to produce. The farmer is the one who matters most and who gains the most from soil and water conservation, from increases in soil fertility, or rather, from its ecosystem. An agricultural property is not simply a piece of land, but an ecosystem to be managed.

Producing well, with high productivity, is already recognized as a major contribution of agriculture to the preservation of other ecosystems, because high productivity makes it possible to meet demands with less occupation of space; and thus coexist with diversity and preservation. The good productivity farmer manages to reserve a good part of his farm. And he is a distinguished professional.

We all know that bioenergy systems are increasing in value because they replace oil, coal and natural gas. These fuels are taken from underground and, when burned, carbon is released into the atmosphere. In the atmosphere they cause changes that result in climate change. And it is convenient to believe this because the expected consequences are too valuable. A novelty that can be observed is the fact that the atmosphere is finite and its height is only 10 kilometers.

All weather phenomena: clouds, cyclones, currents, cold fronts, warm fronts, flying rivers, all happen in this very thin layer above and around the earth. When we see in the school book a circle representing the earth and another around it written atmosphere, this drawing is wrong; for if the planet were 10 centimeters in diameter, the atmosphere would be 0.09 millimeters, that is, less than a tenth of a millimeter.

Remember, too, that evaporation and condensation of water result from very precise temperature and pressure combinations. Therefore, these small variations can cause big changes. In addition, bioenergetic systems are capable of maintaining a large amount of non-static carbon mobilized in their processes in the soil, biomass, stocks, products, among others.

This demonstrates the value of the bioenergetic system: The lower the carbon footprint, the lower the demand for natural resources. The more aligned with society, the greater its market value and its possibility of economic value; and, therefore, greater longevity in the market. The primitive farmer only suppressed the other plant species, planted the one that interested him and relied on the natural resources of the environment and its soil.

He did everything in his power to control pests, animals, unwanted plants and, in the end, bring in his harvest. He learned to know the seasons to know the time to plant and follow the calendars. And the rest is history that everyone knows. Over tens, hundreds and thousands of years, the farmer has developed tools and knowledge to facilitate his work, increase production and ensure the harvest. This evolution happened as man increased his control over the environment.

On the same day that he invented the hoe and the spear to eliminate other species and soften the earth, he invented the plow. He learned to choose the species to plant and to select the seeds. He learned to know the fertility of the soil, to fertilize it; and only afterwards did he learn to conserve his fertility. He developed machines, chemistry, fertilizers, pesticides and genetics; all this to manage the agricultural ecosystem, favor and protect the species that wanted to produce.

The way to be successful does not depend only on the shareholder's political or strategic decision, but on the management system adopted or developed. For example, the sugarcane bioenergetic system would not be accepted in the current market if it had not eliminated burning before harvesting. And its elimination happened not by force of law, but because viable solutions for production and harvesting without burning were developed through scientific research.

In relation to other unresolved issues, changes are held back by the lack of market creation and business opportunities. In the sugarcane bioenergetic system, currently, some components have been marked by their strong impact. Integration with the industry due to logistics with large amounts of materials, products from the field to the industry and products from the industry to the field, has created opportunities for a strong reduction in external resources. The use of vinasse, cake, soot and ashes can reduce to zero the purchase of some fertilizers in companies with a sufficient pool.

The introduction of some species of microorganisms and the conditioning for their maintenance can totally or partially reduce other fertilizers. In pest control, the introduction and maintenance of some species of organisms can maintain pest populations at levels below economic damage; especially if associated with varietal resistance and cultural management practices.

Temporal management of operations can result in a strong contribution to annual production due to the integration with the climate condition or the stages of the sugarcane phenological cycle. Thus, the excellence of the process and results continue to depend on knowledge and tools for managing material and temporal factors.