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Fernando Antonio Costa Figueiredo Vicente

Industrial Director of the Usina Alta Mogiana


The industry

At a time of such technological evolution, applied through Artificial Intelligence, we must stop to reflect that all this progress will depend exclusively on the team of professionals that the company has.

Therefore, we must turn our attention to our real human resources and talents, making it clear what knowledge we will need.

At this moment, it is time to reflect on how our industrial environment is doing strategically, with a view to achieving greater engagement from our team in this new mission.

In these 41 years of activity, I have never been so sure that the success of this new phase that is underway will depend on the seed we plant through our organizational culture.

Management, in my view, means living in the present, learning from the past and envisioning the future we want. For this, I believe that the greatest function of the manager is to educate employees with a common purpose.

Below, I define the tools I use in this mission.
1. Having faith: regardless of one's religious values, I consider being connected to the Divine to be fundamental for personal and professional balance.
2. Family: will always be the highest priority in life.
3. Be an example: I firmly believe that showing with concrete attitudes is the best way. “The example drags”, thus and here each one builds his/her legacy.
4. Seeking the truth: deeply knowing the real situation of each occurrence that is part of our daily lives is fundamental for possible solutions, if any, to be applied and also evaluated.
5. Taking risks: “only those who do it succeed”, I deeply believe that we will only achieve new results if we execute differently what would be our routine.
6. Fundamental feelings: gratitude, empathy, joy and recognition.

Phrases that marked and continue to define my way of managing:
• Be fair, honest, example, effective and Christian;
• Happiness is the only currency of our life;
• Pray, pray, and pray, always;
• Seek self-knowledge daily;
• Celebrate all achievements, always;
• Legacy is what you leave in people's lives;
• I get paid for the impact I make on the world;
• Communication is not what you say, but what the other understands from what was said;
• The will to prepare is greater than the will to win;
• Don't spend more than you earn;
• Always have plan B ;
• Be available for new experiences;
• What made us stop the industry cannot be repeated;
• To close my reflections, I quote a sentence that my wife spoke for a long time, and today she doesn't repeat it anymore. “All the sugarcane juice stays at the mill, and what comes home is just the bagasse”.

Reflect, not to hear this.