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Fábio Lemos de Brito

Agricultural Manager at Impacto Bioenergy


The challenges for productivity in the Northeast

The sugar-energy sector plays a fundamental role in the search for alternative sources of energy, since it is responsible for the production of biofuels, substitutes for fossil fuel, reducing dependence on oil and contributing to the mitigation of climate change. In view of this, the sector assumes a relevant role in the world's energy transition project, in search of clean and renewable energy sources.

In addition, sugarcane is a versatile crop and can be used in several applications, such as the production of bioelectricity, bioplastics, aviation biofuels, among others, which gives this crop an advantage over other sources of renewable energy. Another important aspect is its ability to generate employment and income for local communities. Sugarcane production is labor intensive and therefore has the potential to promote economic and social development in areas of poverty and social exclusion.

However, it is important to point out that the production of biofuels from sugarcane is not free from negative environmental and social impacts. Therefore, it is fundamental that the sugar and alcohol sector acts in a responsible and sustainable way, adopting practices that minimize the possible environmental and social problems of its activity, at the same time that it contributes to the promotion of energy security and to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. greenhouse effect.

Within this context, and consolidated as one of the main agricultural activities in the Brazilian Northeast, the cultivation of sugar cane has been, for decades, responsible for a large part of the generation of jobs and income in the region. However, sugarcane production in the Northeast faces specific challenges.

With regard to competitiveness, according to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the average sugarcane production in the Northeast region in 2020 was around 72 tons per hectare, while, in the Southeast region, the productivity reached around 84 tons per hectare. Therefore, the adoption of new agricultural practices and techniques becomes even more fundamental for the sustainable development of sugarcane production in the Brazilian Northeast.

It is important to emphasize that productivity is one of the most important factors for determining the cost of production in the sugar and alcohol industry, bearing in mind that, when there is a greater production of sugarcane per hectare, the greater will be the dilution of the fixed costs of production, both for the agricultural area and for the industrial area. Thus, improving the productivity of sugarcane fields is essential for reducing production costs in the sugar and alcohol industry and for its competitiveness in the global market.

With this objective in mind, what has been shown to be fundamental for improving the productivity of sugarcane plantations, without a doubt, are the advances in technology, equipment and the use of inputs, new agricultural practices and techniques have proved to be essential to boost production. of sugar cane. Among these practices, we can highlight:

Precision agriculture, which is a technological approach to agricultural production that uses precise data and information to optimize the use of inputs and resources. This approach is based on collecting information through sensors and georeferencing technologies, such as GPS, and analyzing this data for decision making. Precision agriculture makes it possible to monitor crop performance, identify areas with growth problems, perform localized application of inputs and implement more efficient and sustainable agricultural practices.

Among the technologies used in precision agriculture are geographic information systems, drones and remote monitoring satellites. These technologies allow the collection of real-time information on soil, plant and weather conditions, which helps farmers make more accurate decisions about crop management.

Within this context, agricultural drones, also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, have gained increasing prominence. These devices are equipped with cameras and sensors that allow the collection of data and high-resolution images of the field, which has enabled more accurate decision-making about crop management.

In addition to the use of agricultural drones to obtain and subsequently process images, drones have played an important role in controlling pests and diseases, in which these equipment can be equipped with sensors that identify pests and diseases in plants, thus allowing measurements of control more precisely and efficiently, as well as spraying, where some drone models can be equipped with spraying systems that allow the localized application of agrochemicals, reducing the use of inputs and minimizing environmental impacts.

Another technique worth mentioning is irrigation 4.0, which consists of a technological approach seeking to optimize water use through automation and connectivity of devices and systems. This approach uses IoT technologies: sensors, data analysis and artificial intelligence to make irrigation more efficient and sustainable.

Among the main features of Irrigation 4.0 are: The presence of soil moisture sensors, which allow farmers to monitor the soil moisture level in real time and adjust irrigation according to the needs of the plants. Smart irrigation systems are capable of automatically adjusting the amount of water supplied to plants based on data on soil moisture, climate, and other factors. Remote monitoring through applications and online platforms. And finally, data analysis, which uses artificial intelligence to identify patterns and trends in irrigation data, allowing farmers to make adjustments and continuous improvements to the system.

In short, the use of new agricultural practices has been essential to optimize sugarcane production and make the sector more competitive. The adoption of technologies such as precision agriculture and irrigation 4.0 allows more to be produced with fewer resources, reducing production costs and increasing activity efficiency, contributing to greater competitiveness in the global market. In addition, these new techniques have been important tools for promoting sustainable agriculture, ensuring the preservation of natural resources and people's quality of life.