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Celso Albano de Carvalho

Pecege Team Member, Corporate Education


Workforce: challenges and threats, from outside and from inside

Being strategic through human capital within the company is a matter of survival in the present and investment in the future. For this, it is necessary to analyze the factors that involve the search, development, retention and mitigation of losses of our main asset, which are people.

In the sugar-energy sector, more specifically, we have extrinsic factors and intrinsic factors that lead us to a situation of constant alert for the above challenges and the threats of loss of developed talents, because, with the cyclical dynamics of the economies, the extrinsic factors act directly human capital within the company itself.

Factors such as moments of capitalization, or moments of decline and decapitalization; cannibalistic competition between companies of the same segments, provoking and stimulating the flight of people with tempting proposals for financial and professional growth; competitions from other activities that have been gradually intermingling the sugarcane production park end up provoking us to go back inside and analyze the reasons for high turnover.

Intrinsic factors, such as turnover or turnover of people between companies in the same segment, or in other segments, can be caused by some important points: lack of clarification about the company's goals; necessary feedback, clearly outlining what is expected of the employee and where the company envisions reaching with the help of his/her work, being recognized, valued and developed.

Another important point concerns a clear and objective culture, which promotes internal marketing, providing employees with a real understanding of the objectives, purposes, values and goals of the company, its area, other correlated areas, bringing the feeling from individual connection to the collective and constructive sense. Engagement in the company's culture is a fundamental fact.

We also have as a preponderant and strategic factor the plan of positions, salaries and careers, so that the professional feels confident that, with his share of contribution, recognition occurs, develops him, makes him grow, and his satisfaction increases. Paying attention to the outside world, to your neighboring company, to competing activities also makes us see the need to be clear in remuneration policies, both financial and full improvement and value gains for the employee and the company.

Providing leaders who have the ability to see in ordinary people, differentiated, special, or any other adjective, a jewel to be polished, prepared and challenged for positive purposes and constant progress, makes the employee realize, immediately, that his company is really a place for him to also invest and stay.

When companies and employees realize the existence of a factor so obvious that it goes unnoticed, which is the fact that their relationships are contractual, the results will multiply, because, in this pact, one delivers, the other recognizes; one provides, and the other develops; one encourages, the other excels. And this obvious and clear contract ends up generating a happier, more pleasurable and healthier climate.

With the recent scenarios of pandemic, distancing, wars, isolationism, concern for the uncertain future, many visions and innovations were reached with impressive dynamics, and the contractual and relational model between companies and people has completely changed, as we have more technology to approach and of communication that broke down physical, cultural and linguistic barriers.

It was realized that there is no point in providing financial capital without being connected with human capital, which is the organizational driving force. Human capital that needs to be prepared in skills and abilities, engaged with a mutually adherent profile: between the individual and the company.

It is a living asset, which needs development, autonomy and motivation, training and training, so that they can achieve their own differentiation as a professional, an individual, and, consequently, the differentiation of the company itself, which was responsible for improving it. And, after the differentiation phase, new levels appear satisfactorily, generating positive results, through overcoming, improvement and better performance.

Faced with all these facts, challenges and threats, and, above all, the real vision of the value of human assets, a common sense, or rather, a great corporate collective consciousness in developing their professional training centers, corporate universities, more constant training and adherence to technological innovations, to provide its employees with greater well-being in learning and obtaining knowledge, in truly more practical, realistic, gamified and instigating ways.

We are facing a different moment, with an increase in population and consumption; awareness of the sustainability of the company, resources and activities; of generations at extremes of age and personal values having to live with their differences; and, above all, the explicit lack of an increasingly qualified, modern, technological and innovative workforce.

The old ones need to learn and absorb the dynamism and innovation of the new ones, who, in turn, need to pay attention to the teachings and fundamentals propagated by the older ones, so that reactivity is avoided, and the learning is mutual. And, why not, through learning and exchange environments? Distance learning environments actually bring together, connect and transform.

We briefly highlight the example lived as a professional, a member of Pecege, in the area of corporate education, facing moments in which there has never been so much talk about providing knowledge with technology and support by partners endowed with competence, expertise and innovation. Both internally and by the companies that come to us.

This constantly challenges us to build a strategy to foster knowledge and train the workforce in the short term, through external demands, supported by the know-how and expertise built by learning itself, breaking barriers in the face of current models, thinking about the whole and in the visibility of what we can build, offer, develop and elaborate solutions, with the aim of providing education for people and for people's businesses, thus becoming the link that brings supply and demand together for knowledge, training and training.